Cehnnai – 600018
Tel: 9840923764
Email: sundararamanc@hotmail.com
Shri Arun Jaitley
of India
New Delhi
Sub: Request to issue State
Commemorative Coins
I understand that Commemorative coins of India are usually issued to
celebrate some special occasion or to mark a special event. They also have been
issued as a mark of respect towards some distinguished individuals or monument.
How about issuing commemorative coins to represent the 29 states and 7 union
territories? This program can be similar to the 50 State Quarters program
of USA.
Each of these 36 coins can have designs, representing the unique
feature of the respective States and Union Territory. The designs can be
anything special, except individuals, or religious symbols. For example, the
coin representing Tamilnadu can bear the design of Bharatha Natyam or Palm
Tree, Coin representing Kerala can bear the design of Mohiniyattam or Coconut
tree etc.
Following are the envisaged benefits of the above initiative.
- The initiative would honor 29 states and 7 union territories and hence bring the National Integration among Indian citizens.
- This would promote the knowledge about the states, their history and culture and national heritage among the youth.
- This would also encourage a new generation of Numismatists or Coin Collectors.
- By selling the commemorative coins, GOI can also generate revenue.
I request the GOI to make an official announcement on the above at the
earliest and request public to enthusiastically participate in the above
program. I can share more thoughts if the officials concerned contact me.
Thanks and Best Regards,